Saturday 5 May 2012

Here are the four steps you should consider when picking up a financial advisor

1. Understand your total return over time:
To assess the value of your advisor’s services, you need to understand what you made while investing with them. This is called your total return. It includes capital gains plus all interest and dividends. It does not factor in your investment costs or any taxes you may pay.

2. Know the background of the advisor:
You must investigate about the background of the advisor from number of sources. Social networks have become a very useful platform for conducting such investigations, also consult other clients of the advisor.

3. Advisor's track record:
Advisors sometimes say they can't easily describe their track record, since they tailor each portfolio to an individual client's needs. But that excuse doesn't hold up. Assess the complete track record of the advisor before hiring him.

4. Can the advisor put it in writing?:
Ask for a formal written outline of the services the advisor will be providing and what fees you will be paying.

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