Tuesday 8 May 2012

A few things you should know about Paying on Time

1.Improves your Credit Record:
For business and personal finances, paying on or close to the due date will not only improve your credit record, but will also help you eliminate various additional costs. You will save on having to pay late payment fees and interest rates are kept at minimum.

2.A better Trusting Relation with your vendor:
If you are able to pay for your goods and services on time, you stand to have a better trusting relation with your vendor, in the long run. Trust is an important factor in conducting business and in your times of need, these are the companies which will understand your situation.

3.Helps you to avoid Additional Expense:
Often late fees and finance charges can add up to a high amount so paying on time will help you avoid this additional expense. You should not pay additional whenever possible as you only lose from these types of payment plan.

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