
Thursday 19 January 2012

News Hour- Tata Nano trying to navigate perceptions rising out of a troubled product

The Nano 2012 has a lot riding on it - a lot more than four youngsters on an epic drive for the perfect cup of chai. The new ad was on air around the same time thatTata Group chief, Ratan Tata, chose to make some candid remarks about the early days of his dream car at Auto Expo: "I don't think we were adequately ready with an advertising campaign or a dealer network." 

In 2009 though, many associated with brand Nano genuinely seemed to believe it didn't need advertising. After months of hype, a highly publicised change in factory location, and in the face of global scepticism, the Nano had several local champions - 200,000 of whom booked the car; a full 100,000 more than could be supplied immediately. 

Neville Medhora, vice president - Mumbai, Rediffusion YR explains, "Nano was one of the most awaited launches. There was huge involvement from the media, industry and people at large. The publicity generated was far greater than what could be created through any conventional campaign." The brand relied on PR and digital until the car was available via retail which was when TV communication finally kicked in. 

On hindsight, the first ads were perhaps not the most appropriate. They showcased couples in traffic ensconced in Nanos, while those on two wheelers stared at them balefully. A senior ad executive who wishes to remain anonymous says, "It wasn't just for people who would have to stretch to get a car; it could also have been for the housewife or a youngster who'd just turned 18. But the advertising focused at a parity level. 

It was not aspirational to the one and not desirable to the other two." Mahesh Chauhan, founder of Salt and CEO of Rediffusion at the time of the first commercials adds, "What we did was ratify the media story about it being a poor man's vehicle. But a car is too much of an emotional purchase. It's the second biggest accomplishment after a house." 

The 'poor man's car' positioning was very much in place as recently as early 2011, with an ad that featured a young girl in a decidedly rustic setting, awaiting the family Nano. All of that has changed with the latest commercial. Suddenly, the Nano is no longer a four wheel garib rath but a cool car that allows the young and whimsical to be well...young and whimsical, as they drive several kilometres for a cup of tea. Medhora reveals the method to the apparent madness: "The brand always chose to speak to a large audience and was never confined to small town buyers. 

While launch communication addressed first time buyers, the follow-up focussed on young metro and semi metro couples and showcased how the Nano could open up new possibilities for them." He sees that continuing with Nano 2012 which besides highlighting improvements in the product, appeals to the buyer's desire for both driving pleasure and features. However, the biggest takeaway from the ad is its youthful vibe. Chauhan approves of this new direction: "To me, Ratan Tata said it all. He always wanted it to be the youth icon and now you see that coming alive." Rediffusion reports that the commercial has become a hit, charting a large number of views on YouTube and more importantly increasing the number of walk-ins. 

Not everyone is buying into the ad being creatively and strategically sound. Says marketing consultant Nauby Gupta, "The Nano lacks things the youth want like power. There are limitations in terms of sturdiness. It doesn't relate to the youth at all." In his opinion, the Nano is always going to be either a second car or one for a daily commute, but it's definitely not a 'fun' car. He also believes the original positioning cannot be jettisoned so easily: "It's been positioned as a price aggressive product. You can't get away from that." 

For a supposedly sexy category, the Indian automotive industry has spawned some of the most resolutely unsexy advertising over the years. Even as you read this, some frazzled voiceover artist is probably struggling through his umpteenth take on a new car ad, trying to infuse some excitement into a script that is little more than large chunks of the brief thrown together verbatim. And for that at least, the new Nano commercial deserves props. It has the bare decency to slip the spec sheet - the most boring part of an auto ad that drones on about fuel efficiency, durability and gear shifts - into a quasi-plausible conversation between friends out on a drive.

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